It is easy to admit when we are wrong and to confess our failures and weaknesses when we have a safe place to open up. When we know we will NOT be judged, criticized, or condemned for admitting our wrongs, we can be honest about our struggles. This is what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. He does not judge or nag us, even when we deserve it because of our imperfect nature and fleshly sins. On the contrary, He wants us to come to Him.
Jesus told us this in Matthew 11:28-30:
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
We also see examples of His forgiveness in John 5:14 and John 8:11. We have a safe haven where we can confess, speak, yell, and cry out all our failures, weaknesses, shortcomings, and mistakes.
God has given us an example of how to live by sending His Son, Jesus, as a perfect model. His life culminated in the ultimate sacrifice—giving His life for us. Jesus clearly stated in John 14:8-10, “Those who have seen me have seen the Father.” This means that to know Jesus is to know God (Colossians 1:15 also affirms this).
Our God demonstrated His open and judgment-free love when He ate with sinners and tax collectors. He did not come seeking perfection; He came for those who needed Him, for those who were spiritually in need of a healer (Matthew 9:12). Therefore, let us seek Him with humility, knowing that He is a loving Father who will not judge or reject us in our time of need. Instead, let us approach Him, knowing He is our healer and desires us to surrender our burdens to Him.
Jesus said in Matthew 18:3-6, “Unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.” Children are humble and quick to forgive. They confess when they are wrong and run to their parents when they need help, feel afraid, are in danger, or are hungry—for all their needs. Likewise, Jesus showed us how to truly accept those who repent and, like children, seek forgiveness.
Our Heavenly Father is there to help us when we are lost. When we confess our shortcomings in His presence, the Holy Spirit begins to work in our lives, as mentioned in Romans 8:26-27. He intercedes for us “in harmony with God’s own will.” The Holy Spirit is our direct connection to the Lord. He knows our needs and desires, even when words fail us and only tears remain. Not because God does not already know, but because He, as our Father, longs to be our refuge.
Sometimes, we simply need to pour out our hearts before Him. He wants us to rely on Him, to trust that “Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion” (Psalm 125). Our Father desires us to trust in Him—always and forever.
As followers of Christ, we want to be intentional and do our best to imitate Him, especially with our spouses and children. How would we feel if, after confessing to our parent, loved one, or spouse, “Forgive me, I messed up…” they turned around and punished us? Or if they continued to belittle us, attacking our imperfections and bringing us down to a lower level of condemnation and humiliation? We would close off; we wouldn’t want to be open or “be seen as weak.” We wouldn’t feel safe.
Thank God our Heavenly Father is not like that. However, it must be pointed out that honesty, transparency, humility, and integrity—as encouraged in the Bible—are expected. This is where forgiveness comes in. We trust our God because, even though we are sinful beings, when we confess and repent, we are forgiven, creating a safe place. This was accomplished through Jesus Christ. God gave His only Son to die for us (John 3:16).
Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we can ALL come to Him and receive comfort, encouragement, and guidance from the Holy Spirit through the very Presence of God, thereby receiving true freedom and forgiveness—a real taste of Heaven even while here on earth. Instead of pointing out others’ mistakes and shortcomings, why don’t we act like Christ, exhibiting patience and empathy, and in doing so, show the love that Jesus showed for us?