Daughters of Ruth
"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." — Proverbs 31:30
Women have long been the strong backbone of both family and ministry. Daughters of Ruth focuses on the teachings of women whom God honored by remembering and mentioning them in the Bible—women such as Sarah, Deborah, Ruth, and the exemplary Proverbs 31 woman.
We dive deep into Scripture to learn that women should not merely appear godly or put on a spiritual veneer, but rather become transformed by God's truth. As we allow the Holy Spirit to refine us, our desire to honor God in word and action will shine through, reflecting the ideal Bride of Christ. In doing so, we bring praise and honor to Him who alone is worthy.
We strive to be virtuous women who walk in constant communion with God, understanding that our goal is not perfection but a life that honors our Father. We embrace our worth in God's eyes and wholeheartedly submit to the path He has set before us, recognizing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. The Bible portrays women as responsible leaders, such as Priscilla (Acts 18:26), and teaches us that women are generous, courageous, wise, and devoted members of the Bride of Christ. As we grow in faith, we shine in God’s kingdom, giving glory to our Lord and Savior (Proverbs 31).
Prov 31:10 - 30 Dignity and knowing our value (We cannot add value to anything if we do not value ourselves.)
Prov 31:13; 16 – Patience
Prov 31:17 – Diligence - hard worker fruitful and strong
Prov 31:20 – Generosity – blessed to be a blessing
Prov 31:25 – Courage – Trusts God with tomorrow
Prov 31:26 – Wisdom – God is our guiding source
Prov 31:30 – Devotion – not praised because of all the other virtues but because she is first devoted to God
Our Daughters of Ruth meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.