
  • God's Beggars

    We host evangelistic services featuring Christian music artists from all genres, who preach the gospel through their music and testimonies.

    Our Street Evangelism team serves the local community by sharing the love of Christ, providing food, Bible materials, and resources to help establish a new foundation for life in Christ.

    "We are all spiritual beggars showing another spiritual beggar where to find spiritual food." — Matthew 5:3

    "We are not called to put out the flames of hell; we are called to pull the world out of the flames." — Scott Hinkle, Director of Evangelism at Christ for the Nations Institute

  • Lord's Captives

    The LORD's Captives Outreach serves individuals within jail and prison communities. We provide resources for reintegration into society, helping to establish stability and productivity. We serve at local jail and prison facilities, providing materials that promote breakthrough and transformation from the circumstances that led individuals into captivity.

    Time does not create change; a decision creates change.

  • David's Warriors

    David’s Warriors Outreach focuses on supporting military veterans and first responders in our nation. Without these men and women who sacrifice their lives to protect and serve our nation, we would not be able to experience the freedom we enjoy. Scripture says, “There is no greater love than one who lays down their life for their brother or sister.” The heart required for this sacrificial service is often damaged during service. We offer counseling services to guide individuals through the process of receiving healing from Yahweh Rapha, The LORD our Healer. Afterwards, we train these warriors to become spiritual warriors for the Kingdom of God. Freedom always requires blood—our freedom was bought with the precious blood of Jesus (John 8:36). All gave some, but some gave all. Christ Jesus gave it all for all of humanity. As Mark 10:45 says, “For the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

    We look to the life and character of David, a man after God's own heart. He had the heart of a warrior and the heart of a worshipper. He longed to lift his voice in praise, pray to his Father, and meditate on the LORD's commandments. He depended on that intimacy with the LORD to win the battles he faced. Though often in despair, Yahweh’s Presence revived him and gave him the strength to persevere to victory. He learned to fight from a place of victory.

    We assist incarcerated veterans in finding hope in Christ, educate them on veterans' benefits, and provide resources to apply for these benefits.

    USMC - Unity of Spirit, Mind of Christ

  • Timothy's Fire

    The least likely person in church is an 18-24-year-old. We must reach this age group, as they are the next generation of leaders who will replace the current leaders in all arenas of life and society.

    Timothy's Fire is our young adult ministry, reaching 18-30-year-old men and women. We see Timothy being fathered and encouraged by Paul, who urged him not to let others hinder him because of his youthfulness. Timothy received guidance, equipping, and impartation from the elders surrounding him. Our heart is to be spiritual fathers and mothers to those whom the Lord is raising up to lead the church in this generation. We disciple them and show them how to stoke the fire and zeal that Christ has lit in their hearts, teaching them how to guard that fire from the world and from religious (ways of men) people, who would seek to smother it.

    We will be building a café, The Hangout, for young adults to enjoy nightlife in a safe and healthy environment. There will be arcade games, music, food and drink, and resources for unplanned pregnancies, addictions, employment, and counseling. We will also host a Wednesday night worship service led by our young adults. Our young adults will be discipled, trained, and equipped to serve on our Street Evangelism Team.